Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm Baaaaaack!

It's been a busy few months, but things have finally settled enough for me to be able to blog!

Mom is doing great! She's walking, driving, & pretty much back to normal. She still moves pretty slowly & with a limp, but is much improved! Still goes to physical therapy 3 times a week. The accident was 6 months ago yesterday!

Aunt Penny & Uncle Jerry are recovering nicely from their accident as well. Granny & Grandpa Les are doing well. Grandpa Les has good & not-so-good days, but is doing pretty well considering his age.

Blake continues to blossom! He's 21 months old now & is super smart! He can recognize numbers & count to 10 (when I say a number, he says what comes next). He also recogizes a few colors & letters of the alphabet. He can identify circle, square, triangle, cross, heart, star, hexagon, & pentagon. He loves books & carries one around to read often. I've lost track of how many words he can say & he says lots of 2 word phrases/sentences as well.
He's walking & running all over the place! He likes climbing up & down stairs, but knows he is only supposed to do it while holding someone's hand.
I'll post some pics & video soon!

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