Friday, February 13, 2009

Picture Update

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks!
Blake hates bath time...

...but he loves snuggling up in his towel afterwards.

Hi Gramps!

Blake has worn Daddy out!

No need for anyone to hold his bottle! Blake has great suction!

Nice to meet you!

Let's hold hands!

The ultimate sports fan!

Blake loves looking at lights; lamps, overhead lights-it doesn't matter.

Just chillin'!

Fist bumpin' with cousin Wade!

Give me five!

We are having so much fun with our little man! Everyday he does something amazing & cute! I'll keep the pictures coming!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

4 weeks old

The time has flown by! I can't believe that Blake is 4 weeks old already. So much has happened in the last 4 weeks! Brian was offered a new job, Blake was born, & we moved to Myrtle Beach! Blake & I are starting to get into a routine. Even though I'm still sleep deprived, I'm starting to cope with it a little better, I think.
I've not taken as many pictures over the last week & a half since we've moved here, but I'll try to post some later. The cable to upload the pictures is in the laptop bag & Brian has that at work. I'll try to upload pictures soon.
This past week Blake had his first dinner outing (Carolina Roadhouse-he slept through the whole thing) & his first trip to church. Everyone oohed & aahed over him (And why shouldn't they? He IS adorable)!
He's growing bigger each day. His face is starting to fill out & is getting rather chubby looking. His eyes are very blue at the moment. Neither of us have blue eyes, so Brian is wondering where those came from. My reading tells me that it could take up to 9 months for them to change to their permanent color. So, we'll see...
More updates later!