Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blake's First Halloween & other stuff...

We've been quite busy this month. Lots to report! Blake had his 9 month check up a couple of weeks ago. He's doing great! Weight is 25th percentile, Length is 90th percentile, & head is 95th percentile. I asked the doc about Blake's head & upon further review, he noticed that Blake's head had grown rapidly in the last several months. We had a CT scan done & discovered he has something called benign external hydrocephalus. It sounds a little scary, but is actually not. He has fluid on the outside of his brain, but it doesn't cause any problems or developmental delays. It will level out on its own in a couple of years. SO, Blake just has a big head...for now!

Blake has been sitting up for awhile now & hardly ever falls over anymore. He can eat his Puffs all by himself. He isn't crawling yet, but scoots all around on the floor. I think it's just a matter of time before he starts to crawl!

Fall brought lots of cute photo ops! We got pics of Blake with his first pumpkin, another visit with Granny, along with his first Halloween! You can click the link below to see pics of all the fun we've been having this month! Love to you all!