Thursday, March 4, 2010

Exciting Times!

So much has been happening with Blake recently! He'll be 14 months next week & he's really started to blossom the last couple of weeks! I've been hesitant to post about his milestones because he's behind a lot of peers. We go to baby story time once a week at Chapin Library, & it's been evident for quite some time that he was developmentally behind children that were even much younger than him. It was a little depressing to go each week & see other babies crawl, pull up, walk, etc. & know that Blake wasn't close to doing any of those things. You try not to compare or let things bother you, but it's really hard!

When December rolled around (11 months old) & he still hadn't pulled up yet, I decided it was time to take action. I found out about BabyNet through a friend. BabyNet is a free service through DHEC that helps children under age 3 that appear to be developing slowly. He qualified in a couple of areas & has been receiving services since January. He's currently being seen by 3 different people.

Lyndsay is an early interventionist & helps him a little in all areas. She's sort of like our case worker. Marissa is his speech therapist & has only seen him once so far. He's only a month or two behind according to her tests, so I'm not as concerned about him in that area. Katie is his physical therapist. She's only seen him one time, but we've seen more progress since that one visit than anything else. She first saw him on Monday, February 22. The next day, he crawled on all fours for the first time. He only went a couple of steps, but it was amazing! He's been "army crawling" for quite some time. He's also been getting up on all fours & rocking back & forth, so we knew crawling was coming soon. Also, he's just started pulling up in the last couple of days too! He doesn't pull to standing yet, but he gets up on his knees. He attempted to stand tonight for the first time, but fell down & wasn't interested in trying again. He also went from all fours to a seated position for the first time yesterday.

I'm so excited & so relieved by all the progress he's making! Everyone says not to worry. All kids develop differently, which I know is true. At some point, however, there's a real concern that he's not developing properly. I know there's nothing wrong with him & truly believe this all related to his mellow, laid-back personality.

In addition to his physical developments, he's making gains in other areas too! He can do the following:
  • Give five

  • Hold up 1 finger when asked how old he is

  • Point to the ceiling when asked where the fan or light is

  • Give a kiss on the cheek

  • Blow a kiss

  • Wave bye-bye

  • Put blocks into the train (there's a slot on top where you put the block & it shoots out a hole in the back to put the block into a trailer)

  • He eats a lot more table foods now too. Tomatoes seem to be his current favorite!

  • I'm sure there are other things I can't remember at the moment. I'll update this as I remember.

Words he can say...

  • MaMa

  • DaDa

  • No-no

  • Go

  • Ball

  • Puppy

  • Boo

  • Uh oh

  • Hat

  • Night-night

  • There are a lot of other words where he says the beginning sounds. He also repeats a lot of what he hears. So, we have to watch what we say & watch on TV these days!

That's all I have to report for now! I'll keep you all updated! He's doing something new everyday!