Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So Much to Report!

January has been a whirlwind so far!

Blake started the New Year with a double ear infection & really bad sore throat. Poor little guy! After a couple of weeks of antibitotics, we went back to the doctor a couple of days before his birthday & it was a good thing we did! Blake still had a double ear infection, sore throat, AND bronchiolitis! After more antibiotics & a few days of breathing treatments, however, he was feeling better & back to normal!

Blake's birthday was January 13 & it was lots of fun! Aunt Wendy came to visit & brought a cupcake and a balloon. The balloon didn't last very long, but the cupcake was delicious!

We had more visitors that night. Uncle B made dinner & we were joined by LaLa & Grandpa White. Granna & Pappy came over too! There was more cake to eat & presents to open.

Click HERE to see more photos from Blake's birthday!

January 16 was Blake's 1st birthday party! It was a blast!. The theme was football & most of the guests wore their favorite team gear to the party. Blake got lots of great toys & some cool summer clothes! We're so thankful to everyone that came out to celebrate Blake's special day; especially those who traveled from far away to come! (Thanks Mike & Jane, Sarah & Jessica!)

Click HERE to see more birthday party photos!

In the last few weeks, Blake has been moving around a lot more. He still doesn't crawl in the conventional way, but he gets around pretty fast by army crawling everywhere. He's also learned to say "No, no, no" while shaking his head. He usually gives us a big grin when we tell him no, which makes it even harder to say no to him.

He learns something new everyday & we're so blessed to have him our lives! Now, we're looking forward to warmer weather so we can get outside more!