Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blake's Dedication Service

Blake was dedicated yesterday at my home church, North Conway Baptist. It was a really sweet service. Blake was VERY well behaved! Everyone commented on how good he was! He received a New Testament bible & a certificate. During the prayer, he was smiling & laughing! Our families were there. It was a perfect day!

Poor Blake! He was so tired from all the excitement!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

On the Move Again...

A couple of days ago, we got the CO for our new apartment! Today we painted Blake's room & brought over the large furniture pieces from the storage unit. We'll move the rest over the next few days & should be all moved in by the end of the week! YAY!!! I'll try to post some pics of our new place (& Blake, of course!) soon.
P.S. Baby dedication for Blake at NCBC tomorrow. I'll have pics (& possibly video) of that too!

Monday, April 20, 2009


It's 5:00AM & Blake just woke up. He hadn't rolled over, but was laying completely perpendicular to the way we put him down! One of his feet was even almost sticking out between the bars of his crib! We'll see if it happens again or if it was a fluke! It won't be long now!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

There's been lots going on the last couple of weeks. Blake & I have had lots of outings!

On April 5, we helped throw a baby shower for my sis-in-law, Wendy. Her twin boys are due to arrive on May 5! She got lots of great things to help prepare for their arrival!

My friend, Cherie, came to visit from Columbia during her spring break. She met Blake for the first time & treated me to a belated birthday lunch. Thanks, Cherie!

We've started trying on some of the hats we have for Blake. Most are still too big, but we did find one that fits.

I don't think he liked it, but only because he didn't know how cute he looked!

We had a great Easter with both our families!

Unfortunately, it appears that camera has seen its last days. The flash no longer works & all our pictures come out dark. I'm having to rely on others to email me pictures they take of us.
So, it looks like we'll be camera shopping soon.

On a happier note, we should be able to get the CO on our new place next week, so we could be moving next weekend! Keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over...

Today (April 2) I celebrated my thirty (gulp!) third birthday!
Last night was dinner & cake with my parents, brother, Brian, & Blake. It was a traditional Griswold celebration with the blowing out of candles, then a re-enactment of the blowing out of candles because of "camera malfunction".
For my actual birthday, I spent the day with Blake. It was a typical day with feedings, burpings, diaper changes, & naps. But I swear he smiled at me more today than he ever has. It's as if he knew it was my birthday & was giving me little gifts all day long. My mom (LaLa) came over in the evening to watch Blake so that I could meet Brian for dinner & a movie. We had a delicious dinner at PF Chang's & then saw the movie, "Taken". It was a great night. After we left the movie, Brian presented me with a very sweet card. I also got a heart shaped necklace from him & matching earrings from Blake. I was so surprised & touched! I have a wonderful husband & family. Last year at this time, we didn't even know about Blake & how our life was soon going to change forever! Now, we can't imagine our lives without him! I am truly blessed!